Saturday, July 31, 2021

MCO 3.0 kitchen story

my favourite for breakfast..with a lot of maple syrup

Nutella Cheesetart

it has been ages since I last made this. bercinta oii nak buat shell tu. I don't want to buy the shell at shop because I don't know how long it's been on the shelf. Since I have "a lot" of free time, I made the shells and it was enough for me to bake it 3 times.. Everytime I bake a batch, I only use half of the cheese recipe..Got around 25 pieces...enough for me for 1 day HIHIHI

final product

Ayam masak lemon

I used the recipe from Che Nom. First time trying this. So nice coz it's crunchy and a bit sour. maybe next time I should make the gravy a bit more..

First disaster this time. I bought the ring last year, after looking for the recipe, I finally give it a try. The dough itself was so soft. I had to roll the dough and put it in the fridge to harden a bit then cut it in the ring. Took me 24 hours to make 6 shells. Then , I just wrap the balance coz I don't think I can keep on doing that. After I baked the shells, it won't come out from the ring because of the holes. OMG..I put it back in the oven and tried to take it out while they were hot...Only 2 came out nice, the rest (as you can see above) can't be saved...huhu

vanilla flavour filling..yummy

decorate with fruits

fruit tart...nice tak??

after the time consuming hard work..I decided to use this normal tart mould. 
Way less time it took (and lot less headache) plus no breaking!

still nice

My second time trying to cook tomyam...way better than the first time. But I didn't have lime at that time...So I used lemon juice instead hahaha...If not,  maybe rasa dia marvellous (perahsantan betoii). This version is milk added.

cooking the apple to soften it

apple muffin

fruit pastry cake to finish the fruits. This time I used a very expensive butter, La Belle..
the cake was so moist even the crust YUMSS


Thursday, July 29, 2021

Books MCO 3.0

These are all the books that I read from 13 June till 11 July.
Not bad huh..
All bought from Shopee..

The best from the bunch. I read it in like 6 hours..
This book reminds me of PS..I love You.
Love story and in the end the husband was diagnosed with cancer. (sob3)
But all ends well....

Part 1 and Part 2...The 2nd is the thickest and the really really heavy.
OMG...reading this makes me wanna go to those "stan" countries really BAD! 
Both cost around RM150 and worthed laa. 
Susah aku nak baca buku melayu ni...except travelog hihi

this book is about post-apocalypse surviving in a ship. I finished Episod 2 quite fast jugak HAHA (gitu la bila takde keja) Today I received an email informing about the third book.. erkk...

This book is actually related to Will You Stay ..the characters to be precise. 
When I browse shopee (shopee lagi) there are another 3/4 books related to this...habis lahhh

My favourite saga at the moment....After Harry Potter came to the last book, I have nothing to follow anymore. When I found this series...Dang! I'm so happy. It's actually from Indonesia. About 3 teenagers with powers and they can travel to different parallel. But Putih talks about a cat which belongs to Raib. 

Story about Mizz Nina's hijrah..



Entering MCO 3.0
I have come to a roadblock of things to do indoor. While scrolling shopee (haha) I found this colouring canvas. Just paint the pictures according to the numbers... Kacang je ni!! Hahaha... When these arrived... I was shocked.. Some numbers are so small.. (insert tears) 
Bertabahlah aku nak siapkan bendalah ni. 
I started with tiny sections but I felt like it took so long. Then I started painting bigger sections.. OK! Making progress.. 
Overall, I finished it in like 5 weeks.. Coz I only paint this after Asar. If I read book, I definitely will fall asleep. So, I paint. 

Week 1


Second picture. This one is more difficult..A LOAD more tiny areas... 
Haven't started anything coz I plan to finish the jigsaw puzzle first.. 
KIV since MCO 1.0 (talk about procrastinating!)