Wednesday, December 28, 2011

i've been notty

2,3 hari ni malang bertimpa2

mula2 laptop wat hal.tiba2 tak leh on.sah2 la takde save dokumen sumer kan.bila antar kat kedai pulak..takde inisiatif nak wat back up sebelum format semula.menyesal gile.apsal la aku tak baiki kat sini je? abis hilang gambar2 chickens little.mana lagi aku nak dapat gambar diorang dari kecik sampai sekarang?

semalam masa sopping, jari terluka sebab tersangkut kat ubat stapler.malam tadi paling best.kena minyak panas.menggelupur la kejap.abis bertompok muka (side kiri),leher dengan tangan.wah !! turun la saham aku yang dah sedia menjunam tuh.hari ni, bila kulit tu terkupas..perghh memang pedih bila kena air & sapu krim. menjilat jari..kalu tak caya cuba ah.

mesti aku jahat sekarang.sebab tu la dapat balasan.

aku ~ dalam proses nak review 2011 & berazam untuk 2012

Monday, December 5, 2011

lama giler mencari

after searching for few months, finally i found jerry maguire.
hahaha an old movie..when i was in high school actually.
wah tom cruise muda siot.agaknye ni among the first movie for zellweger kot.quite interesting jugak.marry someone juz becoz of loyalty?nasib baik in the end terchenta jugak.kalu tak??
nak tau kat mana jumpa cd ni? kedai cd cap ayam dekat rumah.kedai tu dah lama tapi tak penah singgah.aku tengok, memang banyak citer lama kat gun,alien,final destination in black..banyak maybe next time i'll go buy more cds.

tengok sket movie ape aku dah tengok time - manyak syiok meh..totally better than puss (alamak seriously??) banyak part best best.ala2 fast5 sket when they were stealing time

2.muppets - it's a bit musical.oh the muppets is not the same with sesame street eh although they are related one way or another

3.sleeping beauty - watched it the other was SO stupid actually.i dun understand the message at all.i dun think we have this in the cinema (too much nudity).sia2 je download.kalu download puncture pun least i can drool over chris evan's HOTNESS (geram)

4.midnight in paris - this is also boring.about a guy who managed to go back in time in the city of lurve, Paris (over la tuh)

5.puss in boots - enjoyable.i especially like the beanstalk part.full of action too

6.hantu bonceng - quite laughable.never thought the end would be like that.

7.nasi lemak 2.0 - it's like one old chinese movie..the one they held cooking competition.but this one + kungfu hustle + a bit of bollywood.everything is juz mixed up like nasi lemak hehehe at least i had a bit of laugh.paling tak leh blah kening heroine tu.tebal gila.macam beluncas dah aku tengok.huhu talking bout nasi lemak, i miss the nasi lemak in front of the gas station near my's been 3 weeks since i last had nasi lemak

8.raya tak jadi - walaupun ade johan, takdela lawak mana pun citer ni.

9.duhai si pari2 - OMG i wasted almost 2 hours of my life watching this movie.i get the message : finding true love tapi cuba la buat exciting yang pelakon utama tu fikir bila dia accept role ni?he's established man.find something better la..watak macam ni patut bagi kat pelakon baru jer.

u know what? ni la sebab kenapa aku malas nak tengok cite melayu.(memang ramai pun yang kata aku berlagak.ayat yang paling sentap ialah "ko orang ape?" -tuu dia!)bukan masalah aku berlagak.tapi kalu aku tengok,pastu mengutuk..pun tak bagus gak kan.might be better if i dun watch at all.walaupun aku slalu layan cite omputih,bukan sume bagus pun.kalu haram sangat..aku kutuk jugak kan.sebab tu la aku juz tengok cite melayu kalu tema komedi.yang lain tu, aku tolak awal2.macam orang dok kecoh pasal ombak rindu..i dun think i wanna watch it.seriously!

trying to get Beastly : macam syok beyond physical appearance

perak trip 2

second day in perak...woke up to a very beautiful view of Banjaran Titiwangsa
if everyday is like this...mesti SYOK ! (part tido hotel tu je yang syok!!)
da swimming pool..very tempted to have a dip but with students around, i dont think so laaa.

first stop of the day was Taiping Zoo.the students were involved in explorace & we kinda had to join the activity.but being me..i helped the first half hour..then i kinda walked around,looking at the animals.later i took a ride on the train

cute rite? this boy sat in front of us on the train.

second stop is the museum.i juz lurve this's so grand.this is the oldest museum in's opposite the taiping prison.

then we went to Kota Ngah Ibrahim.the building is about 150 years old.during the japanese invasion, this used to be their head office too.

then we headed to Kuala Sepetang to enjoy mee udang (prawn noodle).it's delicious.look at the prawns

then we went back to the hotel.took rest for a first i wanted to go down to the pool but i was stuck in front of the tv.watching football for the SEA Games.luckily the tigers won and i was shouting my lungs out.YEAY!!!

at 9,we checked out.had dinner then waited for the train at taiping station.this building is also around 150 years old.some parts are under constructions.

had fun in the train coz we got bed this time (the first class)i slept the whole way (too tired lorh)kalu ade selimut toto time tu..mau tak bangun aku rasanya.sejuk!!!

my bed for the nite.

arrived in KL around 7am.then waited for the train that will take us back tu JB.
i really need to go there on my own.probably next keeping my fingers cross

Saturday, December 3, 2011

perak trip 1

da 2 minggu pun trip tu tapi ni baru ade masa (dan kemahuan) untuk membelog pasal trip tu

the reason i followed this trip was to have an experience travelling by train.yup..i've never been on a train before except for LRT and monorail :)
the journey started on the 17th nov 11.30pm .we waited for the train at Kempas Baru station.i’m all excited :)

when we got on the train…hmmm personally & honestly, it’s worse than taking the bus.the seating is same as the bus.but worst part is
1.the light is on all the time- how can u sleep with bright light
2.the noise- oh my…the sound of the wheel banging onto the track is juz’s too much & too creepy I might say.macam train tu nak tercampak kluar dari landasan jer.
3.the aircond-I felt like I was in a freezer & going to be frozen by the time I reach mistake for not buying mittens (mahal jugak..rm25/pair)
4.when the train stops at station, there’s no announcement.u juz have to figure it out yourself.this is not good when someone sleep dead (tido mati hahaha).ade harapan terbabas stesen

Around 7am we arrived at the KL Sentral.(masa ni subuh gajah = hampeh betul).we had to wait for the train that will take us to Perak at pegi cari bekfes dulu.sempat jugak beli buku in case the journey got boring.due to lack of sleep the night before..i managed to sleep until we reached Perak (good for me otherwise I’ll be very grumpy for not having enuf sleep).

We arrived around the bus driver took us for lunch.then we headed to Kellie’s’s so hard to look around when the sun is right up your head (translate panas terik masa tu..aku plak kan takleh kena panas.maklum la kacukan London HAHAHAHAHA).i didn’t get to take picture of the bear tree coz we were rushing to get to Gua Tempurung.

Upon arriving at Gua Tempurung, we changed to sports attire.the cave is juz spectacular.looking at pictures is not enough to mention the inside. Subhanallah.we juz followed the track provided but climbing the stairs is juz too much for me.aku rasa gayat giler bila tengok tangga tu sayup ke atas.luckily I wasn’t the only one.
The most interesting part in the cave is the wind tunnel I think.there’s not a single hole in sight but there’s wind blowing creepy (I knew bout this when we were at the hotel otherwise I would have fainted there).

Then we were supposed to go to the labu sayong center but it’s closed (around 7pm at that time).so many places we didn’t go.the ubudiah mosque, the palace. I really need to go there myself. After dinner, we were taken to the Bukit Jana condotel.time to rest