Sunday, March 25, 2012

the nite is still young

last nite i went out..after maybe around 2 years of not hanging out at nite (except for going to cinema)
at first we went for dinner at hutan bandar
i've heard a lot about rm5 chicken chop (yeah..dirt cheap rite? i was shocked too).the place was packed and customers actually have to fight to get a table (metaphorically speaking).lucky we didn't have to stand too long.hihi
i had chicken chop

others had lamb chop,grilled chicken chop.i had my first bite of mutton there.seriously, i've never eaten mutton before coz i heard a few comments about the smell.
well,it was not that bad.certainly tasted the future...if there's no other meat,i'll definitely eat it again to get my protein. HAHAHA

my not so clean was a torture to finish the chicken.drinking epal susu didn't help either.

after dinner,my frens took me to bazar karat@uptown JB.
i didn't buy anything except for an eye/lip liner which cost rm4.other stuff juz didn't interest me (ye la tu!)

lots of used things on sale here.

some entertainment

later we headed to stulang to enjoy the sea breeze (takde angin pun).

after this outing, felt a bit young's been quite sometimes since i went out at nite (and during weekends too).it's not that i'm trying to be pious or something (but i do want to be better).the truth is, i dunno where to go.but now i'm trying to visit all the places in Johor while i'm still here.
~embracing the moment (or place to be more precise)

Saturday, March 24, 2012


result SPM dah pun keluar beberapa hari lepas.
tapi aku takde la menggeletis pun nak tau sebab tak terlibat secara langsung.
tapi terharu la jugak coz seramai-ramai budak yang penah ajar masa depa form 2 (around 150 students), ade la 2 orang students yang tergerak jugak hati nak bagitau result diaorang.

dalam kul 11 pagi tu, Nik Mat Kelate tefon (hahaha saja letak nama dia macam tu dalam contact).dia dapat 5A.ok la kan.pastu siap cakap thanx sebab ngajar dia dulu.then khamis malam, kiteretsu sms cakap dapat 3A.siap boleh wat lawak lagi cakap A dia sikit coz dah bagi pada orang lain.banyak la cengkadak ehhh...

tu pasal i dun bother about the results.aku bukan ajar exam classes.kalu ade budak yang still ingat & menghargai ajaran yang tak seberapa tu, rasa hepi la jugak.ade jugak inisiatif to appreciate.budak2 biasa la..dia memang tak nampak dah cikgu2 yang ngajar dia dulu2.cuma nampak cikgu2 yang ade tahun exam jer. (for me, aku anggap ni sebagai balasan.maybe aku dulu pun buat benda yang sama -what goes around, comes around)takpe la...sebab tu ade pepatah kata cikgu macam lilin.bila dah habis guna, memang tak nampak dah.asal budak2 berjaya jadi orang, ok la.syukur alhamdulillah.kalu yang minta tolong doa, doa kan jugak coz bukan susah pun nak buat, kan?

tapi 1 benda yang aku agak menyampah laaa.seminggu sebelum exam, biasanya ade program restu @ minta maaf.masa ni ramai la yang datang minta maaf, nyesal la (konon!) dengan perangai diorang. tapi masa wat perangai tu, ade tak terfikir dalam kepala hotak diorang "macam mana kalu nanti cikgu tak nak maafkan?" .agak2 time tu dia nak terus wat perangai ke tak?

macam tu la manusia (aku jugak).kita kadang2 buat salah dengan harapan ade masa untuk minta maaf (atau bertaubat kalau buat salah pada tuhan).tapi kita lupa nak fikir sama ada orang akan terima ke tak permohonan maaf kita tu.

Friday, March 9, 2012


yeay..tomorrow will start a week holiday...finally
i can get the hell outta here
with so many thing going on at the office (rubbish stuff i might add)
it's about time for me to unwind at my home sweet home

juz had dinner..i've never had domino's before.ok la.any pizza will do for me coz i'm a kipas-susah-mati pizza ! ngeh ngeh ngeh

i got a souvenir today..from korea.damn! i'm so jealous at my fren.he did ask me last year whether i want to join their group...i desperately want to go.but knowing maharani, she juz won't let me go on my own. -sigh-

today i bombed my own wallet.the tyre i changed last time faced the same to avoid myself from stressing out (& dorongan moral daripada mekanik tu jugak) i changed to new tyres and rims.whadetoot!
tomorrow i've to prepare my ears for lectures from maharani.she'll definitely nag me kaw2 punyer! btw lupa nak amik gambo rim baru hehehe (tak leh shopping dah aku 4 bulan akan datang ni)

Monday, March 5, 2012

aawww... aren't they sweet

a fren of mine, Nad married last december.but i didn't attend her wedding.
but since i'm not ashamed ( haha ) i asked for her bunga telur.
so last 2 weeks (baru ade masa nak post kat sini..teruk betul!)
she gave me her bunga's a mug

hahaha..i dun think i'll drink my milo with this...
anyway, thanx dear and i'm still waiting for those wedding pics ok!