Sunday, March 25, 2012

the nite is still young

last nite i went out..after maybe around 2 years of not hanging out at nite (except for going to cinema)
at first we went for dinner at hutan bandar
i've heard a lot about rm5 chicken chop (yeah..dirt cheap rite? i was shocked too).the place was packed and customers actually have to fight to get a table (metaphorically speaking).lucky we didn't have to stand too long.hihi
i had chicken chop

others had lamb chop,grilled chicken chop.i had my first bite of mutton there.seriously, i've never eaten mutton before coz i heard a few comments about the smell.
well,it was not that bad.certainly tasted the future...if there's no other meat,i'll definitely eat it again to get my protein. HAHAHA

my not so clean was a torture to finish the chicken.drinking epal susu didn't help either.

after dinner,my frens took me to bazar karat@uptown JB.
i didn't buy anything except for an eye/lip liner which cost rm4.other stuff juz didn't interest me (ye la tu!)

lots of used things on sale here.

some entertainment

later we headed to stulang to enjoy the sea breeze (takde angin pun).

after this outing, felt a bit young's been quite sometimes since i went out at nite (and during weekends too).it's not that i'm trying to be pious or something (but i do want to be better).the truth is, i dunno where to go.but now i'm trying to visit all the places in Johor while i'm still here.
~embracing the moment (or place to be more precise)

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