Sunday, May 13, 2012

one of those crazee days

yesterday was my crazee day...the day where i dun need companionship during an outing, the day i wanna be alone!

so last friday i bought the Avengers ticket 12pm. i arrived @TGV around 10.30am.while collecting the ticket, i also bought another ticket for Dark Shadows.yeah, i was doing a movie marathon

the long awaited movie.hehehe u know why-mr Evans laaa.ok truthfully i had trouble concentrating on what's going on in the movie coz in my head it's like chaotic "evans HOT! evans HOT! evans HOT " seriously i was drooling 90% of the time.S*** la.nanti i have to buy the get better ermmm 'understanding' of the movie HAHAHAHAHA
ok it's great.since it's a comic adaptation, dun expect logic.oh, the alien (the big one)reminds me of shockwave (in transformers).cool! however,aku ni bukan peminat movie yang lebih dari 2jam..i juz can't be still.ohhh, did u realize there's Robyn (How I Met Your Mother) in this movie? wahh dah maju eh.that role kinda suits her but it's hard to erase her demure role from the sitcom.ang the main air craft is SUPER COOL
this is a must watch-4 thumbs up (including the feet)

Dark Shadows
no wonder this is for 18 (but some morons did bring their kids inside...tak sekolah!)becoz of the adult scenes.this one is Depp is so vampire.

other movies i watched

this is a must watch.the effects was awesome.oh..i didn't know rihanna is in this movie.who gives a crap bout her??i personally lurve Alex (the pic) so gorgeous..why must he die so early in the movie? :( sobx3

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