Monday, May 14, 2012

i curang...

to mr Evans je..hehehe
officially i fell in lurve (lagi????)-malangnyer sape jadi bf aku ;)
ok this movie is good.Rachel & Dex are frens.then Darcy came along.coz both Rachel & Dex didn't want to admit their feelings, both live in denial.
when Dex & Darcy are getting married, they realised they love each other.tensen aku.yang Ethan plak since the beginning memang in lurve dengan Rachel.adoi twisted betoi citer ni.
ok..aku tangkap nangis (skett je) masa nak ending tuh
aku chenta sama dia.apsal la colin ni HOT sangat??? tak concentrate mana pun tengok movie ni.asik pikir pasal HOT dia je.HAHAHAHAHA.anyway,this one is a happy the end,Rachel & Dex are together (aku plak yang merana..ohh puhleez)

but i pitied Ethan coz he's so into Rachel.but how can u accept sum1 when u dun have the heart? it's not nice to accept sum1 juz for the sake of pity kan? i know..i've been in that situation and i think i made a good decision of not accepting him for the sake of my mom

Sunday, May 13, 2012

one of those crazee days

yesterday was my crazee day...the day where i dun need companionship during an outing, the day i wanna be alone!

so last friday i bought the Avengers ticket 12pm. i arrived @TGV around 10.30am.while collecting the ticket, i also bought another ticket for Dark Shadows.yeah, i was doing a movie marathon

the long awaited movie.hehehe u know why-mr Evans laaa.ok truthfully i had trouble concentrating on what's going on in the movie coz in my head it's like chaotic "evans HOT! evans HOT! evans HOT " seriously i was drooling 90% of the time.S*** la.nanti i have to buy the get better ermmm 'understanding' of the movie HAHAHAHAHA
ok it's great.since it's a comic adaptation, dun expect logic.oh, the alien (the big one)reminds me of shockwave (in transformers).cool! however,aku ni bukan peminat movie yang lebih dari 2jam..i juz can't be still.ohhh, did u realize there's Robyn (How I Met Your Mother) in this movie? wahh dah maju eh.that role kinda suits her but it's hard to erase her demure role from the sitcom.ang the main air craft is SUPER COOL
this is a must watch-4 thumbs up (including the feet)

Dark Shadows
no wonder this is for 18 (but some morons did bring their kids inside...tak sekolah!)becoz of the adult scenes.this one is Depp is so vampire.

other movies i watched

this is a must watch.the effects was awesome.oh..i didn't know rihanna is in this movie.who gives a crap bout her??i personally lurve Alex (the pic) so gorgeous..why must he die so early in the movie? :( sobx3

2012 book fair

last weekend i went to the KLIBF in PWTC
saja2 je mengisi masa lapang...the motive was to buy as many books as possible
in the end, agak berat jugak nak menghangkut buku2 tu dari PWTC sampai ke Sogo
(parked my car there..oh yeah, i drove to KL at 5 am. arrive around 9 am then terus naik lrt ke PWTC) beria kan???
since we arrived quite early and most booth (dare say all) weren't open yet, we went out to McD in front of PWTC to have breakfast.before that i went to the ladies inside PWTC

can u identify what's missing?? yeah there's no water pipe.DAMN ! since aku tak nak kena batu karang, terpaksa la jugak menggunakan menatang ni. it's juz plain stupid la.ok..not gonna elaborate on this.

while having breakfast my fren said she saw Ustaz Don..oh ok.i know who he is.but i'm more of Ustaz Azhar Idrus's fan (yeay!!!)

after breakfast, we went inside.oh, now i saw Ustaz Don personally

@Karangkraf section, i saw Ramlee Awang Murshid (my fav author).i bought 4 of his books.the 5th title was sold out which happens to be his latest book (ok, a bit frust there).if i didn't think of my frens waiting, i would've queue with others to get his autograph. :D

then, i saw Dr HM Tuah..ok guilty for not being his fan ;)

the books i bought

these are for the chickens little (they only look at the pictures) but i get to read it first :)

on sunday,we went to Pusat sains Negara.becoz of the dinosaur exhibition :) (yeah laugh all u want, but they're fascinating)

me and my favourite dino,T-rex

my own dino egg.RM10...i asked for a T-rex but i still haven't assemble it (ok guilty!)

later, when we were heading back to JB, we stopped by @Putrajaya..searching for the first we were i got frustrated and stopped at Masjid Putra.we walked around and took pics.then, on the way out of Putrajaya, baru la jumpa wetland tu.ok, it was tiring to climb the tower

but at least, i achieved my goal HAHAHAHAHA

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

paid off

it's been a long april for me. juggling classes, kawad, APDM and everything in between is so tiring i mean, my day started at 7a.m (even i was amazed how i managed to walk straight when i was not fully awake) i'll be sitting near the court to watch them practice (seyes kulit aku memang rentung giler.ketara sangat beza.orang pun dah tegur :( plus going to the beach last sunday didn't help a bit) around 11 i went back to change then at noon i've between classes, i rushed down to see them again & do other clerical job. at night continued with online-related work & paper work. i can only sleep around 12.30a.m practically i have to drag myself out of bed each morning. after 2 times being postponed, the competition was held on 24th Apr (same as bro's bday).everything juz paid off (well...almost) the girls got no 2 out of 8 schools (so proud of them for being able to do it on their own) even the commander was awarded with the 'best commander award' the boys got no 3 out of 8 schools..i was a bit disappointed coz i know they can get no 2..but coz there were too much obvious mistakes..i pitied the form 5 students who worked so hard (skipping classes and everything).but when it's not meant to be, it's not meant to be hanif said i displayed a shocking face when they were announced winner of the 3rd place..i mean, after seeing the mistakes..i have no hope of getting any number. i cried when i informed the results to the PK Koko..i juz can't help it. later in my front of hanif & abe, i cried again.all the stress, the fatique, the heartache came down on me. i can hear everything yang wat aku down, ingatkan aku pasal ketidakcekapan's juz frustrating.they only know how to complaint but they dun have the slightest bit of what i went through. then i called everyone who stood by me to inform about the victory. even my mom...yes, she's the 1 who told me to be patient,to juz continue doing what i'm supposed to do,dun think bout other people.TQ mama i guess now it's the best time to retire from kawad :) + :(