Monday, March 3, 2014

mussel story

GOSH !! my last post was in dec 2013??? seriously??
i have ideas but i juz dun have the patience to internet connection keeps acting up.i dunno what the problem is coz when i'm back in my hometown,the connection is ok
ok enough bla bla bla on the stupid connection

last week,i joined a few people from a group on FB to collect mussels !!!
it's kinda weird coz i'm not even a fan of mussel..let alone being on water--> makes me dizzy
but i was bored and had no where else better to i decided to join them
(lagipun aku nak harap kat sape nak ajak aku keluar > nan hado !!  sedey tau)

we met up at a small restaurant in Perling
after eating and breaking the ice a lil bit, we went there
i wasn't sure bout the place coz sum1 else did the driving
but it was somewhere around Kampung Sg Temon (orang asli's village)..maybe it was Sungai Danga
wherever it was...i managed to burn my skin !!!
i'm so stressed out right now bout my skin

the owner, Pak Ali, teaching us how to collect mussels which stick themselves to the rope tied onto the woods
we arrived around noon...took a ride on a boat to go to the "kelong"
then we juz picked up the mussel..but have to be very careful coz its covered with mud,barnacles,and a lot of creepy crawlies like crab and small shrimp
deep in my heart,i would never touch them but since i cant show my true colours to new people and my reason for coming here was to get experience....i took a deep breath and do what i got to do

we collected a few bucket then we had to clean them
i thought picking them up was already them is much more tedious!
we had to use the back of a knife to remove the barnacles
i was under the sun for almost 2 was at 1pm (matahari betul2 terpacak atas kepala beb!)

after praying, the mussels were cooked to perfection ! walaweiii...
nothing fancy,boiled only...eaten with chilli sauce

around 3pm, we collected a few more to bring back home
at 4,we took the ride home
it was a very nice experience but the next time i decide to do this again, pliss remind me to bring loads of sun block,wool glove and my hat...

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