Friday, March 9, 2012


yeay..tomorrow will start a week holiday...finally
i can get the hell outta here
with so many thing going on at the office (rubbish stuff i might add)
it's about time for me to unwind at my home sweet home

juz had dinner..i've never had domino's before.ok la.any pizza will do for me coz i'm a kipas-susah-mati pizza ! ngeh ngeh ngeh

i got a souvenir today..from korea.damn! i'm so jealous at my fren.he did ask me last year whether i want to join their group...i desperately want to go.but knowing maharani, she juz won't let me go on my own. -sigh-

today i bombed my own wallet.the tyre i changed last time faced the same to avoid myself from stressing out (& dorongan moral daripada mekanik tu jugak) i changed to new tyres and rims.whadetoot!
tomorrow i've to prepare my ears for lectures from maharani.she'll definitely nag me kaw2 punyer! btw lupa nak amik gambo rim baru hehehe (tak leh shopping dah aku 4 bulan akan datang ni)

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