Wednesday, November 30, 2016

second run :PG colour run 2016

on 5th november i joined another run.
sad to say, the organisation was not ok. it was the race kit..first we had to take on this date.then they changed it to another date.when we waited at McD PG, they said we need to take at organiser booth at Bkt ur organisation suck!

the clean t-shirt.
since the t-shirt is white..i had to wear another t-shirt inside.
dont wanna go around and parade ur bra colour right

i dont get why we need to have zumba before the run..
why not just do normal stretching?
the reason for saying this is...we have to wait for them.GGGRRRR
when the run starts will be hot because the sun come out already

stretching time

each runner was given few packets of colour powder.
like the one they use during Holi festival

no clear starting line..(that's why i said organisation failed)
start running when they threw the colour powder

along the way, there were people throwing the colour powder.
what i did was, when i saw them throw at the people in front.. i dashed forward.
in a sense... they need to top up the powder..

still consider clean

finisher medal and cert
no picture of me coz my allergy came as soon as i stepped on the finishing line.